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Ноябрь 26, 1989

During late 1980s to mid 1990s there was a trend of high technology digital watches which remained restricted to die hard watch fans who loved to collect different kinds of watches and time pieces. This made these watches less popular amongst the general mass. So, to make everyone sport this new fad on their wrists, companies came up with more basic and less expensive models. Some watches also features dot matrix displays. Once these LED watches became popular amongst people, there were many further advancement made to give the users variety of options. In the year 1982, Seiko came up with an in built small television screen in the watch. This became the latest trend with people of all ages craving to own one of those. Thereafter, Casio took the lead by inventing many more such extraordinary and multifarious features that were loved and possessed led watches by many watch collectors such as a digital watch with a thermometer, a watch that could translate a certain number of Japanese words into English language, a scientific calculator watch, and one that could dial a telephone number, to name a few. To add to the list of inventions Casio introduced a digitally operated watch that could allow the user to store their important computer data into their wrist watches.Even though The Iron Samurai embodies Tokugawan style and Shogunate design with its blood red numerals encased in stark samurai sword steel like the final battle between all the forces of good and evil in the multiverse, this Japanese LED watch does in fact tell the time and does so really efficiently too!  Tap the top button on the right side of the timepiece and watch the screen light up like surfacing lava. Tap the bottom button to make the numbers blink and hence adjust them. In Time mode, the top row represents hour information, while the bottom row represents minutes information. In date mode, top and bottom represent month and day.  In fact, when you start wearing these cheap watches you may find yourself spending all your time challenging strangers to duels. You will probably live by the Bushido code of Rectitude, Courage, Benevolence, Respect, Honesty, Honour, and Loyalty. fortbdmilly456 131119